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Exciting offers and discounts only @ Mount Sales

Easy-to-use features, customer-friendly policies

App Features

Fast Delivery

In-time delivery assured for all products

In-time delivery assured for all products

All types of payment accepted including COD

Daily Notifications

Get notified of new offers and discounts on time

Easy Return & Refund

R & R will be as per the return policy for individual products

Install to have a fun shopping experience

Quality products, Easy shopping @ Mount sales App

Frequently asked quetions

We accept all cards, all online payment gateways and COD is also available on selected products

You can return a product if there is a return available for the same through your Mount sales account and avail of a refund or replacement as per the product policy.

You can track your shipment from your Customer account. Select the product purchased in your account and you can see the status of the product.